By Nan Jones
Hope lives in the scraggly branches reaching toward the winter blue sky.
Do you see it? Can you sense it? Branches bare. Raw. Vulnerable. Surrounded by a barren earth.
Skeletons of life waiting. Knowing—knowing that come spring, life will begin anew, because winter is but for a season.
Yes, hope lives in the scraggly branches reaching toward the winter blue sky.
Hope lives inside of me, too. And you—those who have allowed the Spirit of God to reign in their hearts.
The hope of God is a life-source, flowing strong through our veins. It may not be seen, but it's there. Just like the life-source of sap flowing through the winter branches carrying the promise of spring, so the hope of God resides within His children during winter seasons of the soul.
And with His hope comes a new tomorrow. With His hope comes life eternal. Abundant life. Life filled with peace and provision. With God's hope comes security that the world has not known.
The hope of God is known to those who dwell richly in His Presence and, with intention, take Him at His Word.
"Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory [inner self] rejoices; My flesh also will dwell securely in hope." ~ Psalm 16:9
The winter branches don't question the trunk to which they are secured. They merely hold fast during the harsh winds of winter, trusting their life-source to sustain them until the season has passed. The branches rest with fingertips towards the sun, while roots grow deep, all the while waiting for the new life of spring.
Hope lives in the scraggly branches reaching toward the winter blue sky.
Hope lives inside of me, too.