“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken,” (Eccl. 4:12 ESV).
She tried to hold her emotions in check but it wasn’t long before the sobs escaped and traveled across the airwaves through our phones. Her heart was broken and I wanted to be there for her. Earlier that same day I received a text from another friend who was on hold with her bank as she proceeded to file a fraud claim. I wanted to be there for her too, if not in person at least to be praying for her and offer her emotional support.
Life is hard. We need people who will walk with us and be there for us. The only problem is we have a tendency to think we have to face life all by ourselves. Peter tells us in I Peter 5:8 that our adversary, the devil, “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” If we are trying to face life alone, then we are setting ourselves up as an easy target.
He is a subtle enemy. One of the ways he works is by using the power of suggestion—planting a negative thought in our mind or a lie, especially when we are going through a difficult situation—and then he just lets us run with it. Other ways in which he works is by making us think no one cares and by taking our joy away. Yes, he is waiting.
But, if we surround ourselves with others who will encourage us, friends who can and will shed the light of truth on the lies we have believed, and pray for us, the enemy won't be able to hold us in his grasp.
I love the scripture found in Ecclesiastes that says “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken,” (Eccl. 4:12 ESV). Keeping this scripture in mind I reached out to two dear friends who I knew would love, support, and encourage me. They are my bookends. Both of them in their own way walk with me and help me to see and embrace truths not lies from the enemy.
As I look around my home I see a number of different pairs of bookends nestled in with our books. Some are ornate, some colorful, and others are simple. I have heavy ones for larger books, ornate ones that compliment some of our older editions, and some fun ones like Winnie the Pooh that hang out with my children’s books. They all have a purpose.
It’s the same with our bookends. We may want to have more than one pair for the different areas of our lives. I now have bookends to walk with me in my writing world, in my ministry, in my family, and some bookends that I have known for years that I couldn’t imagine life without them standing beside me.
With these confidants by my side I put the enemy on notice by saying, "I am NOT alone and you CANNOT overpower me, for two can resist you, but a cord of three strands IS NOT quickly torn apart . . . I now have my bookends!!!"
Are you walking this journey called life alone? Did you feel like no one cares about you? Are the voices and the lies of the enemy taking away your joy? Well . . . go get your bookends! These will be your sturdy friends who will hold you up as you add chapter after chapter to your book of life.
You don't want to live without them!
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