“My husband asked me if I should start writing again, that I seemed, well . . . happy when I was writing.”
This was part of a conversation I had with a guest at our last writer’s group. After introducing myself and asking her what brought her to our group she shared this statement. She then went on to say that she works part-time as a realtor, homeschools her children, one of whom has autism, and is—a minister’s wife.
Yes, my thoughts exactly. She’s busy. Then add on the fact that she’s a minister’s wife and she becomes very busy. But what caught my attention was the fact that her husband noticed something about her. That there was something that seemed to make her happy—when she was doing something for herself: writing.
I encouraged my new friend to come back and join us and to keep writing, because as a minister’s wife we need something that’s ours. Did I get an Amen?
Yes, being a wife and mother or grandmother is rewarding and so is serving with our husbands. But that’s what we are doing—serving with our husbands. But what about ourselves?
One thing that can help us balance our crazy lives is to have something that we can call our own.
What do you do that’s for you, and for you only?
It could be sewing, knitting, or scrapbooking. What about painting, gardening, playing an instrument, or writing? And DIY projects, there are so many to choose from. Do you like to go to yard sales with your girlfriends, be a part of a book club, or what about an exercise class at the local YMCA? The point is we need to have something that’s ours to immerse ourselves in that gives us enjoyment and satisfaction.
I was like my new friend at one time. I was working full time, raising our family, keeping the home fires burning and serving with my husband. There was no outlet for me. I found myself close to the dreaded burnout. What about you? Do you know without another thought that something you enjoy doing? Or do you need to ponder the idea.
Begin by dusting off the cobwebs of your mommy/wife heart and think about the things you enjoyed doing as a child.
You may not be able to turn cartwheels at your age, but you may remember that you loved being outside. Did you like to color? Oh my, the adult coloring books are everywhere now. What about baking, not cooking for the family, but baking, or better yet gourmet cooking? Well, then sign up for a baking or cooking class.
We are all “fearfully and wonderfully made,” (Psa. 139:14) and God has given each one of us things we enjoy doing. And we’re all different. Like today at lunch by husband looked out the window at our neighbor digging holes and planting new perennials in his flowerbed. My husband’s comment was, “Why would anyone enjoy doing that!” I, being a gardener who loves the outdoors, was going to challenge his statement. But then he went on to say that others must think he’s crazy for spending four hours outside hitting a small white ball until it goes into a tiny round hole. Yes, my thoughts exactly.
Let me encourage you today that if you don’t have an interest that’s yours, then pray. Ask God to show you something that you could do and would enjoy—something just for you.
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