Tension flooded Laura’s body and her head whirled in confusion.
Pete’s retreating back disappeared around the corner. She felt her bottom lip curl
between her teeth and she stepped back from the edge of the old wooden deck. “What
am I supposed to do now?”
His demand echoed in her ears. Her head went back in
frustration, allowing her eyes to focus on the star-filled summer sky. A verse
from her devotional came to mind. By the
word of the LORD were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of
his mouth.* She wiped away a tear and lifted her faithful kitty from the
“You know, Ginger. Every one of those twinkling lights up
there was breathed across the sky by the One who made the world.” Her furry
companion twitched his tail. “It may not sound like much to you, but there are
millions and billions and trillions of stars up there. And some of them are far
bigger than the sun whose light you curl up in.”
Calico ears welcomed the gentle movement of her fingers, a
calming habit. Slowly she began to compare the massive complication she faced
to the truth of who God is. To think her LORD
spoke light into existence and that was only His first step to bring the entire
universe into existence … out of nothing. A measured breath escaped before her
comment. “Maybe this fiasco isn’t too big for the Creator after all.”
She lowered her head to pray and the betrayal that racked
her spirit poured out. But when she started to review the details, she went
silent. Ginger nudged her hand and she resumed the stroking. “Am I looking
through a microscope? It feels like a mountain of hurt, but it’s probably nothing
but a pebble. I can dry my own tears.”
Familiarity didn’t make the insecurity detour comfortable.
“You know, Ginger. I have to remember that the same God who invented everything
made me and knows everything about me.** He probably sees me right here and
knows I’m thinking He’s probably too busy or I’m not important enough. Or this
struggle is too small to be worth His attention.”
Her eyes returned heavenward. “Since God is powerful enough
to meet the demands of creating and maintaining a universe, He can handle this
debacle.” Rich purrs filled the air. “And since He watched over the delicate
process of creating me and drew me to Himself through Christ, He will surely see
me through this trial with or without Pete’s support.”
And my God will supply all your needs
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
Do the big things or the small ones muzzle your prayers?
Take heart. The general and personal acts of Creation are
*Psalm 33:6, NASB unless
otherwise noted
About the Author:
Sandra Allen Lovelace is a continuing missionary, a pastor’s wife emeritus, and a homeschool pioneer. She’s an award-winning speaker and author, and a sought-after mentor. Sandra’s a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and her current manuscript is Wallflower Women: How to Start Living the Life God Designed You For. She enjoys hiking with a camera in her hand, best done on an international adventure. Sandra and her husband Curt are transitioning to South Carolina.
Get to know Sandra at her website, http://sandraallenlovelace.com/
You can also connect with Sandra on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash
Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash