The countdown is on. Does the date pop into your head as
soon as you wake up? Or only when you look at your To-Do List?
Bowls of dough and trays of cookies surrounded Trish when
her iPhone rang. She wiped her hands on the red-checked towel and pressed
Accept. Two sentences in, her mother’s sweet voice suggested her cousin Sue and
her kids join them for Christmas. “It’s only been a month since Joe abandoned
them. They must be struggling.”
Mom said she and dad would pitch in all they could, but Sue
lived hours away. Coming for the whole weekend made the most sense. Yes. It
made sense. Was something Trish might have thought of on her own . . . if she
had a moment to think.
She heard herself say, “Of course. I’ll call her right
away.” Her thumb poked the S in Contacts then chose Home. Peter, Sue’s oldest, answered.
Trish felt hollow when she asked for his mom.
“Hello?” Sue sounded frail.
“Hi, Sue. It’s me, Trish. How are you?” Her mind snapped
back into place.
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Photo by Sandra Allen Lovelace |
The cousins chatted for a few moments before she offered an
invitation for Sue and her three children to join them for the holiday. Sue
hesitated. Trish described cozy pajama times with young ones around the tree, fortified
by hot chocolate and hymns. “You would bless us if you come,” did the trick.
She placed her cell phone on the granite counter top as her
mind threatened to collapse. On top of preparing for the traditional visits
from her parents, her brother and his family, not to mention her two returning
college kids, she had no idea how she’d survive. What did I just do? How could
I let my mother talk me into this?
She caught the bad attitude. Holy Spirit alerted her exactly
as she’d been asking Him to. She went to the blue wingback by the picture
window, her devo chair. Grabbing her Bible off the side table, she settled back
and opened to the next chapter in her reading plan, Isaiah 63.
Her mind raced over the endless tasks ahead as her eyes
flowed across verses 1 to 8. The word distress
caught her attention. She placed her finger on verse 9 to steady her thoughts.
In all their distress
he [the LORD]
too was distressed,
She paused to soak in the idea of
God sharing her panic.
and the angel of his
presence saved them.
God joins His chosen ones to rescue
In his love and mercy
he redeemed them;
is based on His character, not our efforts.
he lifted them up and
carried them all the days of old (Isaiah 63:9).*
relaxed into God’s presence and provision.
How about you? Has your holiday pace hit the fever pitch?
Relief is as close as prayer and an attitude change based on
Biblical Truth.
replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest (Exodus
Brief Bio
Sandra Allen Lovelace is a continuing missionary, a pastor’s
wife emeritus, and a homeschool pioneer. She’s an award-winning speaker and
author, and a sought-after mentor. Sandra’s a member of Advanced Writers and
Speakers, and has two manuscripts underway, Wallflower
Women and Naomi. She enjoys hiking
with a camera in her hand, best done on an international adventure. Sandra and
her husband Curt are transitioning to South Carolina.
Get to know Sandra at her website,
You can also connect with Sandra on Facebook. If you contact
her at Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Google+ she’ll be delighted by a reason
to practice.