Can I be honest? Sometimes I treat Jesus like a fast-food breakfast from McDonalds. I rush to the Jesus Drive Through and frantically shout my order.
“Hi! I need some peace, joy, and wisdom to go please.”
Then I dash away, not even noticing Jesus in my rearview mirror. If I looked back, I’d have seen Him wearing an apron and holding a spatula. I might have caught the puzzled look on His face as He mouthed the words.
“But, I made you breakfast.”
Seriously, what would you rather eat? A greasy Egg McMuffin? Or a light and crispy Belgian waffle with fresh fruit and real whipped cream? Would you shove that soggy sandwich down your throat while dodging traffic and making phone calls? Or would you rather linger over your waffle on a shady porch with a fresh cup of coffee and a special friend?
Girls, we cannot pour out of empty cups. We have nothing to give if we are not full ourselves.
We try. Trust me, I know. When we are already in the Word for Bible study, Sunday School lessons, children’s church, curriculum planning, youth group, etc. sometimes it gets a little old. Having daily devotions can feel like one more thing we are supposed to do. One more “should” added to the pile. One more way we are not measuring up.
Fortunately, it’s not supposed to be about a checklist or pile of “shoulds”. Daily time with Jesus doesn’t give us brownie points with God. And it doesn’t make us spiritually superior.
God created people to be in a relationship with Him. Jesus died and rose again to restore that relationship. We get to intimately know and be known by the God of the Universe! Sometimes we can get so distracted and consumed by ministry that we forget this.
What does it look like to linger over breakfast with Jesus? Maybe something like this:
- Take your coffee (or beverage of choice) out to your deck, porch, or other quiet place, and just be still for a few minutes. Whisper the words your heart is feeling and let Him whisper back.
- Use a journal to collect your thoughts. I find that my prayers have more substance when I journal because even if my young children distract me, I know where I left off! It’s also encouraging to go back and see how God answers prayers or works things out.
- Go into your bedroom (or another quiet room) and close the door. Light a candle. Listen to your favorite worship songs.
- Dwell on a small chunk of Scripture each day and let it soak in. Often meditating on a few verses is more heart-changing for me than trying to consume chapters or do in-depth studies.
Our spirits need nourishment just like our physical bodies. Ministry is hard, friends, and we cannot do it on empty. What can you do today to avoid the Jesus Drive Through and spend time lingering over breakfast instead?
About the Author:

You can connect with Christy on Twitter (@letmebefoolish) or Facebook.